Appcelerator Titanium – few impressions

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Note: Titanium and PhoneGap are a couple of platforms for developing hybrid applications for mobile. These platforms are not written in the programming language that is native to the phone, but they can be distributed on a verity of mobile platforms.

Recently I’ve published on Github the newest and most extraordinary quizzing platform, named Just-Quizzing. I’ve build it for personal use, but because a few colleagues found it useful, I made it public.

In the initial version, for publishing the application to my Android phone, I used SL4A. I needed a way to use the application when I was on the move and didn’t have Internet access. Unfortunately it didn’t have automatic update for the quizzes. I’ve hoped that with time SL4A will have a clearer path, but the platform lost its initial momentum and I decided to write a mobile app.

I had to choose between PhoneGap and Titanium. In the past I’ve used PhoneGap because the app size was too big in Titanium, but I wanted to give it another go. In 2011, when I first wrote about Titanium, the initial app size was about 4M. Today it doesn’t seem that big, even though it isn’t small.

The perspective will be mostly about Android, even though the app was built to work also on iPhone.

I used SDK 3.1.3, without the Alloy framework.

Alloy has it’s own learning curb and I wanted to avoid it. The prupose of the application was to be a portable version for the quizzes from the server and I didn’t want to make a big time investment.

The total development time was a little more than a week.

First impression

Things don’t work as you expect them to, there isn’t a lot of flexibility. From the total allocated time, more then a quarter I was trying to do a “flyout menu”, like in applications such as: Facebook, Google Plus and Youtube. It was a total disaster! The only options that seemed to work were using an external module or using Alloy widgets.

It seems like when converting relative coordinates, where the user touched the current element, to the general coordinates on the screen there is a big discrepancy and it is impossible to do a sliding menu effect in a decent manner. In the end I totally abandoned this effect.

The speed is not that good when it comes to rendering elements. To be honest, I was expecting a better speed. There are some tricks that help, like pre-rendering the views before displaying them, but for this you must guess what the user will do next, which is not always possible.

Another thing that bothered me was that when the menu button is pressed on Android you can’t take a particular action, let’s say open the side menu that I’ve mentioned before. In PhoneGap for instance, no menu is opened, it must be built-using HTML from the ground up.

When Titanium came out, they were stating that you could develop once and distribute to multiple platforms. Now I was surprised to find that the approach had changed. In the Kitchen Sink, the application that showcases the features of the platform, each platform type initializes the application in it’s own file. One of the reasons is that the design is done dynamically if you are not using Alloy, not trough layout files.

One of the first things that I tried with Titanium was to see the size of a “Hello World” app. Packed, the application has about 8.5M, installed on the phone, it takes up about 16M. I don’t know what you think about that, but for me it is a lot! What is strange is that my final app occupies about 8.4M packed and installed about 16M, almost identical to the original application. The reason is simple, the images replaced by me are a few kb smaller, resulting in an application a little smaller than the one that I started with.

Why does a Titanium application take up so much space?

I had to do some searching before finding the answer. In 2011, when I first tried to research, I only found that all the libraries, needed or not, are packed inside and for this reason it takes up so much space. This wasn’t the cause! Meanwhile, I found the real reason. An application runs a “bridge” between Android and JavaScript. The source code is not “compiled”, as was the initial belief, but just interpreted.

The JavaScript code is interpreted using one of the available engines in the app (V8 and Rhino) and it calls other components that build the native graphing elements.

The issue is with the engines. They are quite big and are packed in every application. And, as if they weren’t large enough, there are 3 of them, each with its’ own purpose:

  • V8 – for newer Android version (after Gingerbread 2.3);
  • Rhino – for older Android versions (before Gingerbread 2.3);
  • x86 – for Intel processors.

These 3 engines occupy a total of 19M, unpacked on my computer. Thus, without eliminating some of them, we can’t get the app size to decrease.

One way Appcelerator is trying to tackle this size issue is to give up Rhino, breaking this way compatibility with older Android versions.


There is a very active community. On the forums and Q/A platforms it’s full of questions and answers! I must admit that I was impressed in this aspect. Some questions are relatively old, even from 3 years ago.

Learning curb

For a week and almost a half, out of which almost a quarter I searched how to do a view moving effect, which in the end didn’t work, I must say it went pretty fast!

I must admit, I’ve played with it 3-4 years ago for a few days and I remembered a few things, like elements of type window, view and label.

The fact that I was able to find answers fast on questions about Stackoverflow, gathered in a few years, but also that the documentation is pretty well organized, helped a lot.

Also on Youtube there are some useful tutorials.

Development environment

In the first versions there wasn’t an IDE, the applications were written with an editor of choice, then packaged and tested using the platform.

Now there is an IDE based on Eclipse. The name is Titanium Studio. It has a pretty nice autocomplete, which helps in a lot of cases. It also has some drawbacks, like in my case sometimes the syntax highlight didn’t work, without any clue were the problem was. Also, project management seems a little strange and it had some issues with import and export of the projects.

There isn’t a default visual tool for editing elements in the page. Both Xcode and ADT allow for editing elements with drag & drop. It turns out there are tools for this, but they are not free.

Emulators are not very configurable. The good part is that you don’t have to worry, you select the operating system and display type and Titanium will automatically configure an emulator. The bad part is that I might wish for a clearer resource management.

Another disadvantage is that sometimes the application will crash before the emulator starts and if you try again it will try to start a new emulator without any luck, case in which the emulator has to be closed. Run Project clean and try again, careful not to miss the moment when the screen can be unlocked, or the scenario will repeat.

For iPhone logs do not work when it comes to OS X Mavericks.

Good parts

It is easy to learn.

The documentation is well done and where something is not clear, surely somebody asked the question before.

There is a fairly large community.

The IDE is easy to use.

It’s easy to see what is possible to achieve with the Kitchen Sink app.

The app doesn’t look like a web page in a WebView!

Bad parts

The app size is quite big (16M on the phone).

The graphical elements are only a subset of the platform.

It isn’t very fast, because the code is interpreted and not compiled, to be able to interact directly with the OS.

There isn’t a visual editor.

There are some issues on integration with emulators, both for Android and iPhone.


If you are a JavaScript connoisseur and you need an application fast and also want to have native graphical elements, then probably Titanium is for you.

If you want performance, probably you need to look for something else.

I don’t have enough experience with the Android SDK to be able to build this application in the timeframe I had available, this was my compromise.

To be honest, I’m not sure wether PhoneGap was a better option or not, speaking for my case. Today there are a lot of JavaScript libraries out there built especially to emulate native graphical elements into a PhoneGap application. The difference is not necessarily visible and, in the end, maybe sometimes the app doesn’t really have to look like a standard app, maybe a completely different interface is more appropriate.